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Prof. CHEN Xianhui, Academician of the CAS, Attended the 117th Lecture of the China Distinguished Materials Scientists Forum

On May 28th, the 117th lecture of the China Distinguished Materials Scientists Forum was held in the Academic Conference Hall. Prof. CHEN Xianhui, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Academician of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) was invited to give a themed report on the topic of “Evolutionary phenomena and applications in the quantum matter.” Over 200 people from the USTB Department of Materials Science and Engineering and related units attended the event. Mr. Yin Chuanju, Associate Dean of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, hosted the lecture. Prof. XING Xianran, Director of the Institute of Solid State Chemistry, introduced the guest speaker's scientific research direction and academic achievements.

1.jpgProf. CHEN Xianhui made a report

First, Prof. CHEN Xianhui systematically explained the origin, characteristics, and applications of quantum materials. With the improvement of the depth and breadth of quantum materials research, the boundary of the field and cross-fertilization have been further strengthened. Subsequently, Prof. CHEN Xianhui talked about applying quantum materials in the cutting-edge direction and pointed out the bottleneck of power consumption, speed, and manufacturing encountered in semiconductor integrated circuits, which urged us to develop a new generation of low-energy information technology. Finally, Prof. CHEN Xianhui pointed out that although superconducting materials are expected to be important, they are still facing some problems worthy of further in-depth excavation.

2.jpgSite of the lecture

After the report, Prof. CHEN Xianhui had a Q&A session with the students and faculty about the report.

3.jpgMr. YIN Chuanju  presented the memorial plate to Prof. CHEN Xianhui

On behalf of USTB, Mr. YIN Chuanju presented Prof. CHEN Xianhui with the memorial plate of the Distinguished Materials Scientists Forum as a present.

4.jpgGroup photo

Since the beginning of the forum in 2003, a total of 117 eminent professors, including Nobel Prize winners and academicians from home and abroad have given speeches at the China Distinguished Materials Scientists Forum, delivering excellent academic lectures and sharing about the frontier of the materials science discipline for over 40,000 students in the field of materials science. It is an academic brand activity of great significance and has enormous influence in USTB as well as the field of materials science nationwide.

Draft: LU Chengcheng

Revision: CHENG Mingyuan

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    June 04,2024

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