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USTB held the 2023 “CHEN Lingfeng Scholarship” Award Ceremony

On April 28th, the 2023 "CHEN Linfeng Scholarship" Award Ceremony was held in Conference Room 306 of the Administration Building. Mr. CHEN Lingfeng, Chief Engineer of China Baowu Xinyu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd, a USTB alumnus of the Class of 1996, and Prof. YU Chengwen, Vice Chancellor of USTB, attended the event and delivered speeches. Heads of relevant departments and schools and award-winning students of 2023 participated in the event. Mr. KONG Deyu, Deputy Director of the Department of Student Affairs, presided over the event.


Mr. SHI Liwei announced the list of award-winning students

At the awarding ceremony, Mr. KONG Deyu introduced the evaluation of the "CHEN Lingfeng Scholarship," and Mr. SHI Liwei, Director of the Department of Student Affairs, read out the list of winning students.


The awarding ceremony

In 2023, a total of 20 undergraduate and 28 postgraduate students received the "CHEN Lingfeng Scholarship." Mr. CHEN Lingfeng and Prof. YU Chengwen presented the awards to the students.

2.jpgRepresentatives of the award-winning students' presentation

Representatives of the award-winning students, LIU Zhonghe, 2020 undergraduate student from the School of Materials Science and Engineering; SHANG Chunlei, 2021 Master student from Carbon Neutral Research Institute; SHAN Songjian, 2023 doctoral student of the School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering; WANG Jiangpeng, 2021 doctoral student from the School of Mechanical Engineering made presentations. They expressed their gratitude to Mr. CHEN Lingfeng for his encouragement and support and thanked the university as well as their supervisor for their cultivation and teaching. They also reported their scientific research progress in blast furnace equipment, surface treatment, technology research, and performance analysis.


Mr. CHEN Lingfeng delivered a speech

Mr. CHEN Lingfeng expressed his warm congratulations to the award-winning students. He talked about the trends and current situation of the iron and steel industry and recalled the unforgettable experiences of learning and living in USTB. He said that from the perspective of steel production and capacity, China's iron and steel industry is in the midst of a transformative trend of "from quantity to quality," and still has a higher demand for talent. He hoped to strengthen communication and cooperation with the Alma mater in the field of scientific research, talent cultivation, etc., so as to make greater contributions to cultivating more elite talents with an "entrepreneurial" spirit and guiding more USTB graduates to devote themselves to the iron and steel industry.


Prof. YU Chengwen delivered a speech

On behalf of the USTB, Prof. YU Chenwen expressed his heartful thanks to Mr. CHEN Lingfeng, and congratulations to the award-winning students. He said that Mr. CHEN Lingfeng's donation was a great encouragement to the growth and development of young students and significant support to the talent cultivation work of USTB. He encouraged the winning students to learn from alumnus Mr. CHEN Lingfeng's learning attitude of striving for excellence, devotion to the iron and steel industry, and the quality of gratefulness for feeding his alma master. Students should cherish their time in USTB, hone their professional skills, and strive to become talents who are able and capable.


Site of the symposium

After the ceremony, Mr. CHEN Lingfeng communicated with the award-winning students about the aspects of career development and personal growth.

Prof. ZHAO Zhiyi from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, and relevant personnel from different departments and schools participated in the event.

Draft: LI Shanlu

Revision: CHENG Mingyuan

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