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Research Insitutues

Materials Scientific Data Sharing Network (MSDSN)


1. Background  

Materials Scientific Data Sharing Network (MSDSN) is the core curation platform for materials data sharing in China. It is supported by the National Science & Technology Infrastructure Construction Project from Ministry of Science and Technology of China during the 11th five-year plan. It mainly undertakes the portal service of materials scientific data sharing and focuses on the integration of materials scientific data resources to meet various requirements of the economy, national security, education, scientific research, and other areas. It is a physically distributed while logically unified data platform, and jointly built by University of Science and Technology Beijing and 16 universities and research institutes and invested 30 million RMB. At present, the unique classification system of material science data has been formed, and the DOI (digital object identifier) system is launched to protect the intellectual property rights of material data, which has become an effective measure to promote data sharing. A material data dictionary has been compiled with a total of 730 entries consisting of crystal structure, and the names in Chinese/English, synonyms and symbols of material properties. Two general standards/specifications (draft), titles as "material data object unique identifier naming standard" and "material science data description", and four specific ones for superalloys, energy materials, composite materials and heterogeneous catalysts have been proposed with the characteristics of Material Genome Engineering (MGE) methodology. More than 700,000 entries have been collected and stored in an integrated computing database, materials fundamental one and databases of, metal, Inorganic non-metallic,  polymer, composite, information materials, energy materials, bio-material, natural materials & products, road traffic materials and building materials. It has been providing strong support for the data sharing service and application of material data resources.  


2. Research&Visions        

Materials Scientific Data Sharing Network (MSDSN) provides materials data service for the whole data life cycle, including data collection, data archive, data screen, and analysis and data application. It has formed a mature materials database infrastructure and data description standards, and provided data retrieval and intellectual property service through a web-based interoperable portal. Acting as a vast reservoir of resources for data analysis, Materials Scientific Data Sharing Network gives strong on-line support and realization for materials data mining based on Materials Informatics and Materials Genome Initiatives methodologies, which speed up the data-driven materials design and optimization.      



Materials Scientific Data Sharing Network (MSDSN) is maintained and operated by the Materials Design Group in University of Science and Technology Beijing with 6 full-time staffs and 3 part-time ones. By combining the methodologies of Materials Genome Engineering (MGE) with Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), materials design group is to design and manufacture the advanced materials cost-effectively in a shorter time, from the full working chain point of view. It is equipped with multi-scale calculation softwares including CASTEP, Thermo-Calc, DICTRA, MICRESS and ANSYS software on a high performance server cluster. Besides, there are also facilities for manufacturing including 3D printing machine, spark plasma sintering (SPS) furnace, vacuum wetting angle measuring instrument, powder injection molding machine, high velocity compaction (HVC) machine, high-temperature sintering furnace and so on.        






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